CORA OSEAN School is back! Join us on every Saturday of June 2023 to learn how we impact the ocean and how the ocean affects us
Culminating the Month of the Ocean and celebrating World Environment Day and World Oceans Day, CORA (Communities Organized for Resource Allocation), through its My OSEAN Mission Campaign, will be partnering with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to launch this year's OSEAN School. This 3-day online webinar series aims to provide a free and accessible platform for students and the general public to learn about the value of our oceans and the role they play in conserving it.
This year's Month of the Ocean theme: “Sustainably Feed the Global Population”, is drawn from UNESCO’s Ocean Decade Challenge, which is anchored in the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) message, "The Science We Need for the Ocean We Want”.

Become a CERTIFIED CORA Ocean Planeteer!
Bank TransferBank: Union Bank of the Philippines Account Name: Communities Organized for Resource Allocation (CORA) Inc. Account Number: 002370005320
OthersFor cash, check, and in-kind donations, please email donate@wearecora.org.